Antimicrobial Futures and Societies



What is the research about?

This research aims to gain insights into your views on the use of antibiotics and other drugs used to treat common infections in humans and pets. We would like to know about your experiences to build knowledge and help shape effective public policy and prescriber-consumer communications for people living in Australia. You are invited to take part in this research and share your perspectives on your experience of using antibiotics and similar treatments. 

This research is being led by the Microbio-Social Futures program at Monash University and undertaken in collaboration with NCAS at the University of Melbourne.

What does it involve?

You will be asked to take part in a semi-structured interview of approximately 45-60 minutes. The interview will be conducted online at your own convenience and will be video/audio-taped with permission. In the interview, we will discuss: symptoms, seeking treatment, prescription, dispensing, and treatment recommendations and experiences. If you are commencing treatment, we would like to speak to you at the start and at the end of your treatment, and we hope that you will agree to the follow-up conversation.

On completion of the interview, you will receive a $50 e-gift card, which will be sent via e-mail.

Later in this project, we will also conduct workshops with members of the community and prescribers. If we interview you, please let us know during the interview if you would be willing to participate in a subsequent workshop.

What will we do with the information?

We will analyse the information provided for research reports or articles. All information given during interviews and workshops will be subject to strict confidentiality guidelines and the anonymity of all participants will be ensured through the use of pseudonyms in the write-up of the research. Ethics approval for the project was granted by Monash University.

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